Inside you will find:
- Exclusive technical articles on robotics.
- Unmissable theme paths for visiting Automatica.
- An interview of Alexander Zak, Director of Research and Development Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics at Magna International.
- A case study featuring Gi.Di. Meccanica on the adoption of 3D vision.
- A dedicated section for discovering automatica’s 2022 most compelling and groundbreaking exhibitors, Basler AG, Keenon Robotics, Z-LASER, Mecademic Robotics, and PIA Automation.
Thanks to all the companies participating with enthusiasm in this project.
“This magazine is just a short, arbitrary, biased (by love for robot manufacturing) glimpse of our point of view on our field of research. We hope you will enjoy it.”
Roberto Polesel, CEO of Euclid Labs